Guided by the improvement cycle framework, the team at the University of Missouri-St.Hear from participating programs in our CIS network: Student teaching observations using the CLASS observation rubric developed at the University of Virginia.Feedback from employers on the effectiveness of teachers they’ve hired, using a survey developed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and.Feedback from recent graduates on their perception of the quality of the program that prepared them, using a survey developed by the University of North Carolina.Teacher-candidate perceptions about their own abilities using a Teaching Beliefs and Mindsets Survey that drew on previously-validated scales of self-efficacy overall and with culturally-responsive teaching practice.Over six years, the Network collected data on more than 22,000 teacher candidates in 26 programs across the country using four common indicators of candidate preparation, pre-service perceptions and practice: Examples included paired consultancy sessions on problems of practice and webinars to help leaders increase data fluency in their programs. CIS Learning Series: Quarterly virtual learning opportunities to support members in developing and sustaining cultures of evidence-informed improvement in their programs.Inquiry Tool: A customized dashboard that enabled members to make quick and easy comparisons between their results on each common indicator and those of the network overall as well as similarly situated programs and candidates.Inquiry Institute: An annual gathering for members to collaboratively analyze their data, learn from other teams, and plan next steps based on what they’ve learned.The CIS Network provided ongoing opportunities for members to learn from each other, analyze candidate evidence and lead others in assessing data to improve the instructional preparedness of beginning teachers: We supported teams to use that information for deep inquiry and cycles of improvement in their programs. Thinking beyond compliance and accreditation: The CIS Network ensured that collected data were meaningful for improvement by focusing on actionable evidence about what teacher-candidates know and are able to do at different points in their preparation. From 2017 to 2022, the CIS Network focused on collecting credible, actionable evidence so that educator-preparation programs could work together to enhance existing strengths and address challenge areas in their preparation programs.īuilt in partnership with teacher-educators: We worked with faculty and program leaders at participating programs to ensure the CIS delivered high-quality evidence and learning opportunities that helped them catalyze and sustain improvements – from selecting and revising measures, to crafting implementation processes, to designing learning experiences.